Friday, December 24, 2010

Module Referer 7.0.1

This module is the possibility to take hits to your site. With built-in power, you can withdraw to the main page search queries or just the last ten transitions. With built-in calculator, you can see the citation index and Page Rank transition. The calculator is based on advanced technology AJAX, which in seconds will bring you the result. And many other useful features.
In folder Documentation or view below

1. Copy all of folder Uploads to your site, in the root folder.
2. Set file /engine/data/referer.conf.php have write permissions (CHMOD 777).
3. Open /index.php

require_once ROOT_DIR . '/engine/init.php';

BELOW add:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/referer.php';

$tpl->set ( '{calendar}', $tpl->result['calendar'] );

ABOVE add:
$tpl->set ( '{referer}', $referer_block );

4. Open /templates/main.tpl
Insert this tag wherever you want to show

5. Run link


Information of template referer.tpl
[type-perf] and [/type-perf] - power output links of search queries
[type-site] and [/type-site] - power output links of all sites.

Forming links of search queries:
{search} - The search term transition.
{perf} - Name of search engine.
{perf-link} - Name of search engine(link).
{letter} - letter search engine.
{hits} - Number of people referred for the transition.
{icon} - The name of the file icons search engine.
[slink] and [/slink] - Link on end page.
[elink64] and [/elink64] - Link to the transition encoded in base64.
[elink] and [/elink] - Link to the transition.

Forming links all sites:
{domain} - the perfect domain transition.
{hits} - Number of people referred for the transition.
[rlink] and [/rlink] - Link to the transition.

Download Link:


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